Help for Depression

Help for Depression

Feeling sad every now and then is common. In fact, everyone feels sad, as it is one of the 6 basic emotions of humans. But when feelings of sadness create an obvious and sustained physical and emotional change, it might be depression. Major Depressive Disorder, or simply Depression, is a mental health disorder that’s common…

Help for Bipolar Disorder

Help for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is one of the most well-known mental health disorders, often depicted in films and TV shows. But did you know that it’s also one of the most misunderstood? Bipolar Disorder has often been the topic of movies, books, and TV shows because of the manic episodes individuals with bipolar disorders have. In these…

Help for Schizophrenia

Help for Schizophrenia

When someone says schizophrenia what do you think? Do they know that it is a mental illness and not an uncommon disorder? In reality, people living with this disease are fighting the hardest battle of their lives to overcome its symptoms – which can be debilitating. Sadly, many have little or no idea about what life is…

What is OCD?

What is OCD?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is an anxiety disorder that impacts 4 million people in the United States. Although OCD can occur at any age, the average age of first appearance are between 8-12 years old and into the late teen/early adulthood. Obsessions are persistent images or thoughts that cause stressful emotions such as anger, grief, distaste, or shame. Some…

Help for Panic Attacks

Help for Panic Attacks

Panic Attacks can be scary. Your heart pounds, you sweat, and your breathing feels like it’s cut off as these moments of terror take over with no warning or obvious trigger. You start to worry that the next attack might happen at any time without notice; what if one should strike while I am driving? What…

Help for OCD

Help for OCD

Everyone will experience some kind of stress throughout their life. When an emotional response to a stressful or horrific event impairs a person’s ability to cope, it is often considered traumatic. While trauma does not always directly lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), it is wise to understand some underlying behaviors so you can help manage/control PTSD….

Help for PTSD

Help for PTSD

For those who have experienced a traumatic event, it may be difficult to go about their daily life at first. It’s normal for sufferers of trauma to experience upsetting memories and sleep disturbances. Many people eventually get over these symptoms as time goes on – some take months or years before the effects are gone…